CHAPTER 6: Leveraging on Higher Interest Rates & Higher Inflation through Debt Mutual Funds

In the last few months, most of the major economies around the globe are witnessing interest rate hike cycle. The primary objective behind these rate hikes is to bring the inflation under control. Despite continuous rate hikes, some major economies, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, are still struggling to keep inflation within their tolerance levels . When credit or loans are made available at a lower cost to individuals or large corporations, the money supply in the economy expands and the size of the economy begins to grow exponentially, resulting in inflation. Soon comes the time when this excess of cheap money starts to hurt the economy as prices of goods and services increase due to massive demand. This was our post-pandemic experience from 2021 to about May 2022. To control inflation, one of the weapons central banks adopt is "tightening of monetary policy," which means increasing interest rates (the repo rate of the RBI). This raises the...